Exposing the Criminal Liberal Bias of America's Newspaper of Record

Exposing the Criminal Liberal Bias of America's
Newspaper of Record

Saturday, March 23, 2013

In A Hagiographic Front Page Obit, The New York Times, Who Ironically Are Totally Deficient In Any Kind Of Ironic Sense Of Humor, Pedestalize The Sidney Poitier-Like Nigerian Writer Of "Things Fall Apart"

Naturally the politically correct, the politically safe, progressive, compassionate thing to do is to speak very highly of those Africans who have accomplished something noteworthy. 

But wouldn't you think that the hipster anti-racist journos at Amerika's newspaper of record would be wise by now to the reality, that for a lot of their readers, this whole "comfort the afflicted" thing has gone a bit far? 

The only good the verminous reality contortionists® at the NYT accomplish when they dishonestly and disingenuously exaggerate the significance of certain groups and individuals in order to compensate for perceived historical wrongs, is to benefit the burnishing of their own inflated egos. 

Such is the sick logic behind competitive compassion, also known as "Professional Altruism." 


In a perfect world, the people who really run things would be able to call out the Times on their status whoring. 

Alas, the Universe was not created perfect (by the hand of Allah, sez the Times). 

From the article : 

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